Welcome to the Violent Artists. We got poppin live shows you can come to, sick hoodies to keep you warm, and dope ass music to blow your subs as you cruise down the street in your '96 hatchback honda civic and give your neighbours grandma a headache. Buy our shit, you know you want to.

Now that that’s out of the way, lets get down some philosophical shit real quick. 

Artists have always been. By the traditional definition of art, it has been around for over a quarter of the time humans have been on earth. The earliest known cave painting has been dated to 64,000 years. For 64,000 years, humans have been expressing themselves creatively for no other purpose than to express the ideas in their heads for those who come after to see. And while that is a solid concept in and of itself, when you think about it, art has been around for far longer than that. Art is just the product of creativity. The oldest stone tools predate modern biological humans by over three million years, and what is that but art with a practical purpose? Ever since then, each improvement on those tools has been a result of creativity. Creativity has fueled our species to survive since the start. It provides food, shelter, weaponry, medicine, and therapy. It allows us to communicate with each other without speaking, across time and with no language barrier. It has been the driving force behind every advancement that has brought us to the point we are at now. We as a species are not especially strong or tough or fast, but we stand out in our ability to create things to assist us.

Violence has always been. It predates our species, it is ironically the driving force of evolution. It happens before every meal, and at the end of every life. It is the painful part of the alchemy of life, the catalyst that causes change for better or for worse, the scales that balance one possible survival with another, and one potential timeline with another. Once upon a time it was the ultimate equalizer, when every plant and animal fed every other plant and animal and every life lost fed five more. When a whale dies in the ocean and sinks to the floor, it spawns an entire ecosystem where it lands. When a forest fire strikes in an overgrown patch of forest, the clear space leftover allows new plants that would have otherwise been denied access to sunlight a chance to grow in the fresh carbon rich soil, with the ashes of the old plants fertilizing the new ones. Some scientist theorize that all life on this planet is a result of two planets colliding with each containing separate ingredients necessary for the first organisms to develop. Once upon a time this was what violence was for, but no longer.

We have forgotten what violence was for. We have forgotten what art was for. Now violence is used by people to control and degrade the world around them, to destroy not with the purpose of survival but for the sake of expansion. Death used to provide equality and now it is used systemically to suit the purposes of the few who have found themselves in the position of profiting off of it. Art drives us to get better, to express ourselves and create new ways for us to survive, but so often lately we find the destructive side outweighing the creative side.

The Violent Artists seek to balance this disconnect between order and chaos for the sake of all living things, and provide a platform for creatives of any kind to survive and thrive as individuals. With that goal in mind, anyone can be a violent artist. We here to remind you motherfuckers where it came from.